Sale & District Specialist School
At Sale & District Specialist School we pride ourselves in the delivery of Special Education to students within the Shire of Wellington. All efforts are taken to keep up to date with the latest trends and developments in Special Education worldwide.

School Tour

Parents & Carers



School Tour

Parents & Carers



At Sale & District Specialist School we pride ourselves in the delivery of Special Education to students within the Shire of Wellington. All efforts are taken to keep up to date with the latest trends and developments in Special Education worldwide.
Here at Sale & District Specialist School we believe that all students have the right to an education that allows them to reach their full potential, enhances self-esteem, confidence and maintains their sense of dignity. We recognise that parents/carers know their child best and a close relationship between home and school is vital to support children to achieve.
The school is committed to providing an environment that offers support, understanding and information to parents, families, caregivers and the wider community. We believe in developing the school as an integral part of the community and in working with others to provide the most worthwhile educational philosophy and practise.
Latest News & Events.
At Sale & District Specialist School we use the Xuno School Management system. Our Latest Newsletters, latest news and our Schol calendar can be accessed from our Xuno account with can be accessed by clicking here.