
Sale & district specialist school


Effective communication between teachers and parents/carers is an essential element of the school. Regular contact is made through notices, bulletins, SMS service, newsletters and communication books, phone calls and face to face meetings.

Looking after your Mental Health and Wellbeing

Sale and District Specialist School recognises and understands that feelings of anxiety, distress and concern affect many people, especially during tough times and significant life events. The SDSS Wellbeing Team would like to share the following local wellbeing information and support services.

Click here to download our Wellbeing policy

Communication Books / Student Diaries

Each student has a communication book/ diary for use between home and school. Parents and teachers are encouraged to use the book to exchange information about the child and are used to give a brief idea of what they have participated in throughout the school day or over weekends/holidays.

Parents commonly use the book to notify the school of transport changes, changes of routine or minor medical issues. This enables the family and the school to work together in the best interests of the child.

The student satchels are also an integral part of the positive communication between home and school, helping to keep other important information like letters sent home, money transported to school for lunch orders, safe and intact!

School Bulletin

A school bulletin is produced on a fortnightly basis (from the first week of each term) containing school events and community information. Any member of the school community may submit items for inclusion. Items need to be received by the Tuesday of the school bulletin week.

You can download the current edition of our School bulletin here or by clicking on the image below.

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Meetings with Parents

The Principal, Assistant Principal and teachers are available for discussion before 9:00 am or after 3:00pm when students are not in class.

Parent Payments

Under the Department of Education and Training’s Parent Payments Policy, Victorian government schools are required to provide transparent information to their school community on voluntary parent/carer contributions.

The following documents outline the voluntary parent/carer contributions at our school:

  • Down the Payment Policy Here

Sale and District Specialist School provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum.  Any  financial contributions made by parents are completely voluntary.

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Student Reporting & Student Support Group Meetings

Written reports regarding student progress are provided twice a year. Parents have the opportunity to participate in a Student Support Group (SSG) meeting four times a year.

SSG’s for the purpose of parent teacher reporting are held at the end of second and fourth terms. An SSG for the purpose of reviewing goals within the students Individual Learning Plan (ILP) is held at the end of term one. There is a further opportunity for an SSG at the end of term three.

A parent may arrange an interview to discuss their child’s progress at other times throughout the year. Parents are asked to contact their child’s classroom teacher to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet. Please note in order to reduce interruption to classes SSGs are held after 3.00 pm.

Please contact the school on 03 5144 5644 or email us at

Parent Notifications via SMS

Sale & District Specialist School uses a text messaging system, XUNO, to notify parents of emergency school closures and special events.

Messages will be sent to parent/carer mobiles from the following number 19910010, please add it to your Mobile phone contacts.