Student Wellbeing & School Values
Sale & district specialist school
Student Wellbeing & School Values
Sale & District Specialist School respects the rights of the individual; all students have the right to feel safe, be treated with respect and to be given every opportunity to work and play.
Student Wellbeing Worker
Our Student Wellbeing Worker communicates with staff to identify issues and provide support as required.
This can include individual support for identified students within the school or with external agencies, working on particular topics in classrooms with groups of students such as bullying or personal safety/ social skills, providing information for families and making links to provide them with knowledge and resources to support their child’s needs.
Click here to read our Student Code of Conduct.
Our School Values
Sale & District Specialist School has a culture of key expectations of all members of the school community. Those expectations are;
- Show Respect for others, ourselves and our environment.
We are committed to accepting each other as we are and valuing our strengths and differences.
- Act Safely at all times
We are committed to the promotion of positive behaviours and creating environments that ensure the wellbeing of every member of the school community.
- Be Responsible at all times
We are committed to supporting and caring for each other, for being accountable for our actions and encouraging all to achieve independence.
Our school code of expected behaviour is closely related to our school values. Individual classes expand on the code of expected behaviour to suit the needs of their students but the three common values remains consistent:
Show Respect
Act Responsibly
Be Safe
Click here to download the Code of Expected Behaviours table.
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)
Many of our students face additional challenges including physical disabilities, autism, sensory loss, social, emotional and behavioural disorders.
School Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) has been adopted to manage general discipline and challenging behaviors of students. Students with challenging behaviors are identified and management plans are formulated with families and allied health staff support in an attempt to assure the safety of all. The approach is supported through the use of Restorative Practices principles.
The framework is founded on a positive approach to whole school wellbeing with targeted approaches for students with higher levels of need. SWPBS enables schools to work towards:
- prevention of behaviour problems and management of existing issues positively and consistently
- developing skills and knowledge in schools for better teaching and learning
- creating and maintaining a better school environment for students, teachers and the whole school community
Rather than just punishing misbehaviour students are explicitly taught how to behave. At Sale and District Specialist school the SWPBS framework is supported with a rewards system, use of restorative behaviour practices and a code of expected behaviour. Individual classes expand on the code of expected behaviour to suit the needs of their students but the three common values remain consistent: Show Respect, Act Responsibly, Be Safe.
Click here to open a document about how the SWPBS program operates.